Friday, September 12, 2008

Northwest' Honda's Billboard's

Northwest Honda is always good for an unnecessary apostrophe or two. I first noted their previous board and was disappointed I didn't get a picture of it before they replaced it with this one. It was even more difficult to read, with a very busy background and had lots and lots of plural words ending with 's. I was relieved when I spotted their new one still possessing a grammatical error, even though I'd emailed their marketing department pointing out the failure of their message.


Unknown said...

Aside from the grammar, there are type legibility issues. And probably too many words to absorb while driving by.
I designed a billboard for an auto dealer once. It had 2 words and the dealer logo.
I'm not sure how it ever got approved, but it was up for a year. That piece will stay in my portfolio forever.

Rochelle said...

Impressive. Have you seen this?

Has "white space eliminator" :)